Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fluid Around The Heart And Lungs Lung Cancer And Fluid Around The Heart.?

Lung Cancer and Fluid around the heart.? - fluid around the heart and lungs

My mother was 500 cc runoff with all your heart, then and now 100 cc. The doctor suspects lung cancer (the left lung is drained Monday). If this is to a certain stage of cancer do?
She was diagnosed with COPD last year and this year, about 3 months emphysema.


notalone... said...

I have lung cancer and had a severe pleural effusion. 6 liters were drained from me, then six weeks later, further drained 4 liters. I know this is not a pleasant experience. This does not always mean that lung cancer, often when there is a problem with heart or lung fluid can accumulate. Everyone has a little fluid around the lungs of the tour for the lubrication. It acts as a pump, which takes moisture in the lungs. In cardiac or respiratory problems may accumulate fluids. COPD and emphysema can certainly cause this accumulation. If it can not flow away, it will send a sample of the fluid out to detect cancer cells. We hope that the sample is clear.

notalone... said...

I have lung cancer and had a severe pleural effusion. 6 liters were drained from me, then six weeks later, further drained 4 liters. I know this is not a pleasant experience. This does not always mean that lung cancer, often when there is a problem with heart or lung fluid can accumulate. Everyone has a little fluid around the lungs of the tour for the lubrication. It acts as a pump, which takes moisture in the lungs. In cardiac or respiratory problems may accumulate fluids. COPD and emphysema can certainly cause this accumulation. If it can not flow away, it will send a sample of the fluid out to detect cancer cells. We hope that the sample is clear.

notalone... said...

I have lung cancer and had a severe pleural effusion. 6 liters were drained from me, then six weeks later, further drained 4 liters. I know this is not a pleasant experience. This does not always mean that lung cancer, often when there is a problem with heart or lung fluid can accumulate. Everyone has a little fluid around the lungs of the tour for the lubrication. It acts as a pump, which takes moisture in the lungs. In cardiac or respiratory problems may accumulate fluids. COPD and emphysema can certainly cause this accumulation. If it can not flow away, it will send a sample of the fluid out to detect cancer cells. We hope that the sample is clear.

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