Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Heated Car Blanket Battery Operated Blanket / Throw Available?

Battery Operated blanket / throw available? - heated car blanket

My husband is sitting in a wheelchair, and a shot of hot connection can be plugged into an outlet cumbursome and even dangerous. He will not use it in the car, so a 12V adapter for their support during the day not in use.
I can not find someone to produce heated throws and blankets, is the use of cell C or D is a product manufactured there? Without doubt, the campers to use something like that??

Links suggestions appreciated!
012208 9:01 p


imadrian... said...

Unfortunately, it does not exist. The batteries can not generate enough energy to run them. I have a solution, but. Buy heated towel rack, two blankets made of 100% cotton. Be sure to use 100% cotton blankets to prevent the merger.

Heat blankets on the towel and change as needed. Tip: Fill in the warm blanket on his legs with another made of silk or wool to help the heat inside is no perfect solution, but a safer alternative.

Mom of 2 great boys said...

Battery type coverage, and I have a place.
I hope that helps.
So you go to and type, and you get a variety of Web sites for this product.

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